3 snappy guides: storytelling, accessibility and beginning your project

20 Feb 2025, 11:45am–1:00pm NZDT


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Tēnā koutou,

Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa, the Outdoor Access Commission, warmly invites you to our next Trailmakers Hui on Thursday, 20 February, starting at noon. The Zoom link will be open from 11.45 am for introductions, so please do join us if you have time.

3 snappy guides: storytelling, accessibility and beginning your project

This hui we will be hearing three short updates on projects you have helped develop.

1: Field guide to making your storytelling panel project happen

Mick Abbott from Wildlab and Herenga ā Nuku have just published the Field Guide to Making Your Storytelling Panel Project Happen. Mick will share the guide to show how your trail group can create storytelling panels using local stories about your trails and communities. The guide has case studies and practical steps to undertake your project.

2: Update on accessible outdoors design guidelines

In late 2023, Katie Barry from Recreation Aotearoa and members of the Accessible Outdoors Working Group joined the trailmakers hui to kōrero about accessibility in the outdoors. Katie heard from you about the biggest challenges in developing accessible trail experiences and what guidance would best support your mahi. These insights helped shape the scope of the Outdoor Accessibility Design Guidelines. Now, Katie is preparing to release the guidelines. This update will show how you can use the guide to create more inclusive and accessible trail experiences.

3: A beginner's guide for community-led walkway and cycleway projects

Amanda Bennett, from one of our trailmaker members, Kaihu Valley Trail project, will share a beginner resource they helped develop with Kaipara District Council. The guide helps project managers as they research and construct their trail.

There will be time and opportunities for people to share your local experiences and ask questions.

Please pass on this invite to those who might be interested.

We look forward to getting trail groups to present their on-the-ground knowledge in future meetings. If you have an idea for a topic, please let me know. I will work with you to present it to the other hui attendees.


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